Since the Beginning, wherever men have come together, there have I been.
My membership is legion. From the humble home and from the stately mansion; from the rolling farms and from the noisy factories;
from the East and West and North and South have my followers come.
They who understand my meaning have followed in the footsteps of the Man of Galilee. In peace, they have been their brother’s keeper, and in the agony of war, their blood has enriched the Fields of Flanders and reddened the sands of the Pacific.
Their reward has been the Inspiration of their Youth; the Driving Power of their Manhood; the Memories of their Maturity. They have fought the good Fight and of these, my sons, I am justly proud.
Who am I? My name is FRATERNITY. And because I have given Man that which he craves, I shall endure. My sons shall neither falter nor fail. They shall add new luster to my name.
- As a Brother of the National Fraternity of Kappa Delta Rho, I have but one aim: to lead an honorable life.
- To this end, I am bound by my words and actions to:
- Embrace the principles and spirit of the KDR Gentleman, treating all those I encounter with dignity and respect;
- Work diligently in the pursuit of my education, understanding that I am a student first and that the quest for knowledge is an endeavor which will last a lifetime;
- Meet all of my obligations to the Fraternity in a timely manner, so as to ensure that I am doing my share and that I am not a burden to my brothers;
- Engage in the service of mankind, not for the praise or recognition that such service may bring, but because it is the right thing to do;
- Serve as my brothers’ keeper, holding them accountable for their actions as they hold me accountable for mine, and
- Support my Alma Mater, that she may view Kappa Delta Rho as a partner in the development of her students.
- I understand that my membership in Kappa Delta Rho is a lifelong privilege that is contingent upon my willingness to incorporate the values of the Fraternity into my daily life and uphold the oath I have sworn. As I speak these words I once again to affirm to my brothers, and all who hear me, that I am a KDR Gentleman and I will place Honor Above All Things.
- Honor Super Omnia!