After many years of starts and stops The Pi Alpha Alumni Association is pleased to announce the re-launch of it’s website ( Brother Rick Longenecker (Founder ’86) built the site and stated “over the years multiple websites have been launched by the alumni association and by the active chapter but none have been sustainable and in a one case the login password was forgotten.” He went on to state that “the new website is built in WordPress which provides much great flexibility with regard to writing and editing content on the site.”
WordPress enables the primary administrator to provide multiple people with logins to secure areas within the site so both alumni and active brothers can write content, upload pictures and videos, and work within the site. Some of the features of the website include:
- An event calendar that brothers can add to their personal calendars
- A news page that will be used to post updates on the chapter and on our alumni and active brothers, including the ability to submit news story ideas through a simple to use webform.
- Links to EventBrite for event registration and payment i.e. for Rose Formal, Songfest
Longenecker stated “by June 1, 2017 we will activate a plugin called PaidMembershipsPro which will enable us to place content behind the firewall and enable us to assign access to every page and post within the site. This will enable us to have alumni only and active chapter content in the same website.”
Eventually the site will provide a one-page bio on all 400+ alumni and our active chapter members. Each page will be searchable and will include pictures and videos of our brothers. While time consuming to establish this baseline set-up and information it is long overdue for our brotherhood!
Take a look at the site and email your feedback to Rick Longenecker at