A Slice of Pi Alpha
In 1984 the founders of Pi Alpha launched the first chapter newsletter which they called “A Slice of Pi Alpha.” Over the years there have been many editors of this award winning newsletter. This page pays tribute to the traditional A Slice of Pi Alpha by including all newsletters in specialized post. It also includes countless chapter updates to ensure alumni brothers are kept up to date in the life of Pi Alpha. To quickly access our library of A Slice of Pi Alpha, click the button below!

KDR and AOΠ Place Third
The brothers of Pi Alpha and their homecoming partners, AOΠ, claimed third place in Homecoming 2023 with their float. Thank you to brothers Kaleb Barnes and Lucas Hanf for your leadership in this feat!

Induction Fall 2023
The brothers of Pi Alpha completed their induction this weekend. The chapter welcomed its largest pledge class since Fall of 2018 with 21 new members.

First Day of 2023 Academic Year
Today was the first day of classes for the 2023-2024 academic year. The brothers are excited for a new semester and the opportunity to continue developing as a chapter. Honor Super Omnia!
President’s List and Dean’s List Announced
The University of Toledo announced the Spring 2023 President's List and Dean's List and several brother's were included. President's List (4.0GPA): Aaron Austinson, Adam Fredritz, Danny Kelly, Jacob Knieper, Chris Madden, Will Miller, and Hunter Ward. Dean's List...

Brothers Celebrate 118 Founders’ Day
The brothers celebrated the 118 Founders Day of Kappa Delta Rho today! Kappa Delta Rho was founded May 17, 1905 at Middlebury College.

Big Little Reveal Spring 2023
The brothers of Pi Alpha recently celebrated their Big-Little Reveal. Congratulations to all the new members and welcome to your families.

Three Brothers Tapped into Blue Key
Three brother's were tapped into the Blue Key Honor society for the 2023-2024 academic year. They are (left to right): Samuel E. Neuberger, Jacob M. Lombardi, and Adam S. Fredritz. Congratulations!

Brothers Volunteer at Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission
Several brothers volunteered at the Toledo Gospel Rescue Mission today. This group served by cleaning trash out of rooms and moving furniture.

Brothers Tapped Into Mortar Board
Two brothers were tapped into Mortar Board. Congratulations to brother Jacob Lombardi and brother Samuel Neuberger.

Four Brothers Tapped Into Order of Omega
Congratulations to our four brothers who were tapped into Order of Omega this week. They are brother Joseph Keffalas, brother Nate Simpson, brother Jake Catrone, and brother Andrew Smallwood.

Sweetheart Announced
The Pi Alpha chapter announced its newest Sweetheart today. Congratulations, Taylor Fenn. Welcome to the Kappa Delta Rho family. We can’t wait to spend the next year with you!

Brothers Serve At Brewfest
Several brothers had the opportunity to volunteer at Brewfest at the Mud Hens stadium. This event helped raise money for the Aurora Project. Thank you to these brothers for your commitment to serving our community. HSO!

Theta Gamma Initiation
The brothers of Pi Alpha completed their initiation this weekend. The chapter fully initiated its 5 new members.

Executive Board Announced
Pi Alpha announced their newest Executive Board today. Left To Right: Gregory Goubeaux (Brother At Large), Jake Catrone (Quaestor), Jayden Mays (Elysian Tribune), Adam Fredritz (Senior Tribune), Samuel Neuberger (Consul), Kaleb Barnes (Praetor), Mason Adams (Junior...

Big Little Reveal Fall 2022
The brothers of Pi Alpha recently celebrated their Big-Little Reveal. Congratulations to all the new members and welcome to your families.

Homecoming 2022
ΚΔΡ and ΠBΦ partnered for the 2022 homecoming parade! They worked together to construct a Rockets Flashback themed float. Homecoming was capped off with a 38-17 Rockets win over Central Michigan!

Homecoming 2023 Partners Announced
Brothers of Pi Alpha officially announced Alpha Omicron Pi as their homecoming partners for 2023. The brothers are excited to work with these wonderful ladies!

Aurora Project Honors KDR For Service Efforts
The Aurora Project honored the Pi Alpha chapter of Kappa Delta Rho by engraving the fraternity’s name on a stone. This came after the chapter raised $7,000 for the Aurora Project last spring. The brothers are excited to continue serving with this great organization....

Brothers Attend National Convention
Last weekend, four of our brothers had the opportunity to represent the Pi Alpha chapter at national convention. They learned about mental health and recruitment. These brother hope to use what they learned to quickly strengthen our chapter. HSO! Brothers Pictured...

Sweetheart Announced
The Pi Alpha chapter announced its newest Sweetheart today. Congratulations, Halie Hartman. Welcome to the Kappa Delta Rho family. We can’t wait to spend the next year with you!