Kappa Delta Rho Recruitment
Apply To Receive A $500 Scholarship
Cultivating a Lifetime of Purpose
Since August 1983 the brothers of The Pi Alpha Chapter of Kappa Delta Rho have steadfastly provided a consistent direction for young men to create a lifetime path of purpose and success.
While our undergraduate chapter members pursue academic excellence and build their leadership skills our over 400 alumni are using their undergraduate experience to lead companies and make a difference in the world.
Together we live our motto everyday – – Honor Super Omnia – – Honor Above All Things!

A Exclusive Scholarship for Men Bringing Honor Above All Things to The University of Toledo
The Pi Alpha chapter of Kappa Delta Rho was founded on the following five principles:
- Fellowship (Brotherhood)
- Leadership
- Scholarship
- Service
- Tradition
Following these five principles as a Brother of the National Fraternity of Kappa Delta Rho, I have but one aim: to lead an honorable life.
If you are a gentlemen who is currently going to be enrolled at The University of Toledo for Spring 2024 we highly encourage you to take the time to fill out our Honor Super Omnia “Honor Above All Things” Scholarship application.